Church school develops calm learning space

My School - Class Act
Aspull Church School, Bolton Road, Aspull, Wigan.My School - Class Act
Aspull Church School, Bolton Road, Aspull, Wigan.
My School - Class Act Aspull Church School, Bolton Road, Aspull, Wigan.
Pupils behave well and have a 'thirst for learning' at a Wigan school, according to education inspectors.

The behaviour of children at Aspull Church Primary School was highlighted in a new report by Ofsted, published after an inspection last month.

The report said: “The behaviour of pupils is outstanding. Pupils display a thirst for learning. They value their education and understand its importance, resulting in classrooms that are calm and purposeful.”

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The school on Bolton Road was given an overall rating of “good”, with an “outstanding” mark for personal development, behaviour and welfare.

The inspectors found attendance was above the national average and pupils “look forward to school”.

They were described as “confident learners with excellent attitudes to learning” and were “respectful and tolerant of each other and each other’s opinions”.

Ofsted found leadership and management were good and praised headteacher Jenny Clarke for creating “a very positive learning culture” at the school.

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Pupils’ progress was tracked frequently to ensure no-one fell behind and almost all pupils made good progress.

The proportion of pupils reaching the expected standards in reading, writing and maths at the end of key stages one and two was above the national average.

Teaching was described as “consistently good”, there was a “rich and broad” curriculum and relationships between teachers and pupils were “very strong”.

Recommendations for further improvement included providing enough challenges for the most able pupils in the early years and key stage one and improving the consistency of presentation across the school so all pupils produce work of a high standard.

Inspectors added: “Leadership and management are good.

“The headteacher has ensured that the vision for ‘Excellence in caring, sharing and learning’ has developed since the previous inspection.”

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