Anger in Wigan community as off-road vehicles wreck Rec

The damage at Bryn RecThe damage at Bryn Rec
The damage at Bryn Rec
A popular open space in the borough has once again been wrecked by selfish individuals piloting powerful off-road vehicles.

The sight of Bryn Rec with the football pitch’s turf churned up with deep tyre marks all over the grass have provoked deep anger in the community.

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It is thought either motorbikes or quad bikes are responsible for the latest damage.

The damage at Bryn RecThe damage at Bryn Rec
The damage at Bryn Rec

The state of the open area, which is now completely unfit for its intended purpose of playing sport on, was spotted by dog walkers early on Thursday morning.

Residents who also saw the damage immediately got in touch with local councillors and political activists, who have now publicly shared their frustration and urged anyone with information to get in touch with police.

The wreckage is particularly annoying as it has happened since anti-vehicle barriers were erected along much of the Rec’s edge to deter trespassing, following a similar incident of vehicles causing chaos there in March 2017.

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Coun Nathan Murray for Bryn ward said: “Bryn Rec is a very popular local open space with walkers and children.

“It is very frustrating to see the Rec churned up again like this. A similar incident happened back in March 2017.

“Anti-vehicle barriers are already in place along the most accessible entry points however it is clear a further review of security on the Rec is going to be needed.

“I will be liaising with Greater Manchester Police and Wigan Council on this matter.”

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Community activist Danny Fletcher, who will be the Labour candidate for the ward in this May’s local election, said: “It is incredibly disappointing to see Bryn Rec churned up like this. Lots of local residents have expressed their anger after seeing pictures of the damage done on social media.

“I will be writing to the local PCSO’s to express my concerns and I have already been in dialogue with Coun Murray to see what Wigan Council can do to prevent further recurrences in the future.”

Despite the previous security measures being installed there are still places where vehicles can get on to the Rec.

Anyone with information about the latest incident should ring police on 101, quoting log number 0755 of 10/01/19.